18 May 2014


Ellery: bedtime routine often looks like this
Aubrey: squeals and giggles

The golden light edition.

If the weather is good, we often head to the beach in the afternoon. We take the big boy's dinner, which is usually eaten whilst running around. Usually naked.

It's the perfect way to wear him out, and he often conks out in the car on the way home.

We also get some time for photography (him) or yoga (me), whilst he is busy carving up the sand.

Everyone wins.

And the small boy. Squeals and giggles this week!


  1. Lovely light. I also enjoyed your birth story--what an experience! One of my girls was a bit like that, very quick (though no ambulance!) I am due to have another in September. In some ways I'd wish for a home birth, but I guess it makes me feel better knowing I'd be in the hospital if anything was to go astray, even if I don't want interference otherwise. Congrats on your beautiful children!

  2. Beautiful Shots! Love the bedtime routine, what a great way to end the day :)

  3. I am so absolutely in love with these portraits. The light is incredible. What beauties your two boys are :)

  4. Boys sure do like to eat on the go don't they? No time to sit still and eat, not when there's a world out there to conquer. Lovely, wholesome light in these pics too. Very heartwarming.
