27 August 2013


Trying to put fallen sheoak seedpods back on the tree 

Can you hear my breathlessness?

I'm catching up.

Last week was work and mainland travel and regular busy-ness with a side of house-hunting and a large serve of unexpected left-fieldness thrown in.

Another week where I didn't get my camera out. Not once.

Luckily I had some shots from last Sunday.

From a much simpler day when we took a morning walk. 

We smelled wildflowers. He asked me to chase him around the helipad. Then we sat on an escarpment in the shade of a casuarina. I watched whales and he played with sticks. And tried to put fallen seedpods back on the tree.

I am happy to be home again, back to our island pace.

Joining in with Jodi.

You can see the whole series of portraits here.

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